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Solid state lectures
Facilitate student learning in lecture on Abnormal Behaviour
I wish to facilitate learning in a lecture on the topic ‘Abnormal behaviour’ during the mandatory bachelor course ‘Domestic Animal Behaviour’. The participants consists this year of 9 students, with in-class activities scheduled as one lecture, followed by two discussion classes on the same day.
The main pedagogical rationale of my learning design suggested below is to engage/activate students and to prepare them for achieving the intended learning outcome specifically stated for this topic. I plan activities with the intend to increase their awareness of the topic relevance, to enhance motivation, and which invite peer feedback. My goal is to be transparent about the learning goals, and enable to students to grasp the topic in a range of different ways, not only be reading the textbook material. The physical interactions between teacher and students will only be in-class; however, the student learning is supported by out-of-class activity before and after the weekly session.
The learning design model is inspired from STREAM, with out-of-class activity leading up to and feedback into the on-class activity. The LMS platform used is Brightspace. In relation to Conolo’s three dimensions, the use of out-of class activity introduced activate the students to a higher extent.
Intended Learning Outcomes:
- CLO 1. Define stereotypies as a subclass of abnormal behaviour.
- CLO 2. Describe different types of abnormal behaviour.
- CLO 3. Reflect on associations between development of abnormal behaviour, animal motivation and the external environment.
Applied Physics and Differential Equations
Course on applied physics and differential equation. 3rd year Bachelor.
My teaching activity follows the STREAM model to organise teaching.
The pedagogical rationale behind it is to activate / engage students by out-of-class and in class activities and support them in achieving the intented learning outcomes.Out-of-class activities are recorded lectures split into multiple slote, supplemented by writing small summaries of the lectures
and online quizzes facilitated by the learning management system brightspace.The inclass activities supplement the outclass activity.
Intended Learning Outcomes:
- Relate different aspects of modern physics
- Identify physical relationships and describe them using mathematical tools
- Understand modern physics necessary for solid-state devices, including elementary quantum theory and electrons in solids
- Derive mathematical models of physical systems
- Define and describe ordinary differential equations and simple partial differential equations
- Solve and represent solutions of differential equations using software
- Understand and know important partial differential equations and how to approach them
Lipid Biotechnology- lipid nutrition
In lipid biotechnology, lipid nutrition part, students get familiar aspect of lipids in nutrition and importance on human health. Also, students during the course will be able to explain the mechanism of lipid digestion, absorption and circulation.
Intended Learning Outcomes:
- Explain the chemical structure of lipids
- Describe the classification of lipids
- Explain digestion and availability
Supervision Meeting with PhD Students with New IT Support-Hei Victor Cheng
This learning design is intended to provide a clear working flow for supervising a PhD student in the area or communication, signal processing and machine learning.
The goal is to make the research meetings more efficient and access the student's progress in a more timely manner. As the student may be new to doing research in this area, they may not know what to do and what to expect in the beginning.This design is to break down the work flow for the students to help them to get used to doing independent research with my help. Eventually the student will be able to develop their own research habits and have a sustainable routine. The design is broken down into 4 categories, mainly helping the students to know what to do before the meeting, during the meeting and after the meeting. Sometimes when we have some tasks that is outside the loop, then what would be the expected actions and how I can support the student is outlined.
Here I propose to make use of many of the newly available software like Mendeley for keeping track of scientific articles and references, OneNote and Google Keep for taking notes and keeping track of the record, Padlet discussed in course for feedbacks, Gitlab, Github or Overleaf for codes sharing or writing papers. With the aid of these newly available technologies can make many of tasks easier, making it easier to keep track of the student's progress, and feedback delivery can be more timely.
Intended Learning Outcomes:
- Establish a research supervision practice
- Develop a working cycle for the student in doing research projects
- Provide regular basis to access student's progress
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