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Structural RNA Nanotechnology
Lecture is based on the theory of cognitive contructivism, the learners construct their own mental framework of energetic barriers in folding by physical interaction with paper folding in class. The module uses the STREAM approach to take advantage of blended learning with both out-of-class activities to complete before lecture and in-class activities designed to help learners achieve higher levels of Bloom's taxonomy. Students are expected to reflect on their experiences during the in-class and out-of-class exercises, and the format encourages independent learning to giver students a deeper conceptual starting point for the lectures. The module consists of two 2h lectures that each have their own preparation and follow-up assignments, followed by a journal-club/workshop day. The format of each lecture is 1h of lecture followed by a 1h guided exercise. Technology is used in the form of Youtube videos, homemade tutorial guides and videos, Brightspace discussion forums, and finally learners design their own biomolecules using our lab's homebuilt software. A goal of this module design is to bring more active, social, and experiential learning into the pedagogy framework.
Intended Learning Outcomes:
- Define structural rearrangement
- Examine the concept of folding domains by assembling paper models
- Develop an intuitive understanding of structural bifurcation
- Explore how energy barriers interplay with folding pathways
- Explain structural compaction
- Design and prototype a RNA origami nanostructure
Lecturing / Small class Design for guest lecturing
GOAL. The goal of this design is to make the most of a 4 hours class that is part of a 10 ECTS course with several guest teachers.
CHALLENGES. The challenges are;
(1) to engage with the students who only meet the lecturer once or twice;
(2) to link a given lecture to the other lectures.DESIGN. To address these challenges a combination of STREAM (Science and Technology Rethinking education through Educational I Towards Augmentation and Modification), JiTT (Just in Time Teaching) and FC (flipped classroom) is proposed.
In particular, the class is articulated around pre-lecture tasks, that best tailor the actual lecture and post-lecture material and exercises.
Intended Learning Outcomes:
- Explain the basic concepts of electrochemistry and materials, that are necessary for describing fuel cells
- Illustrate the operation and underlying theoretical concepts of fuel cells
- Describe practical challenges, performance advantages and disadvantages of fuel cells
Learning design for teaching 'Didactics of Informatics'
I, together with others, teach a course on the ‘Didactics of Informatics’. During the course the students will be asked to design and develop their own computer models and learning activities, for their own students, by use of the didactical principles they have been presented with.
Part of the course is online, and learning to design a computer model, learning activities, and to program can be difficult online. On top of that, our students are often diverse in background, hence some students learn fast and don’t need much support and others learn more slowly and need more support.
Therefore I have considered re-designing the course section regarding computer models and programming. I use both in-class and out-of-class activities in iterations, as described in STREAM.
I have also incorporated feedback, both from peers and from the teacher. The teacher is the main source of feedback throughout the activity, except for the last set of feedbacks which are given by peers. I’m confident that by then the students are well educated in both the theory behind the didactical designs of computer programs and in giving and receiving feedback.
I have also decided that students must make themselves visible and active by participating online in a forum by asking questions and commenting on both lectures, articles, and exercises.
The activity makes use of lecture capturing and screen casting. Also, a kind of ‘lab videos’ are used, as tutorials for students’ exercises.
Intended Learning Outcomes:
- Knowledge of, understanding, and using a specific programming environment
- Knowledge of, understanding, and using specific didactical principles in relation to programming
- Design and develop a computer model
Peer feedback to initiate a discussion after an oral presentation
The students are working together in a group on assignments existing of calculations and questions. There are 2 weeks allocated to this. The students have opportunity to work on this in-class with supervision of the teacher on 3 days and are also expected to work on the project out-of-class. On the fourth day one group will present the work and a discussion/feedback will follow afterwards. Lastly, the students will correct their report before handing it in. There are 4 loops of the STREAM model in these 2 weeks. I would like to improve the discussion on meeting day 4 by using Padlet. The problem I would like to engage the students more in the discussion. In my experience, the teacher usually opens the discussion by asking the other students if they have comments or questions. Often, there are very few comments and it is mainly the teacher who asks the questions. I would like to try to get the students to be more engaged (they should be the ones asking most questions) by giving them a few questions to consider before the presentation starts (examples below). During the presentation, the students should pay attention to these questions and make short notes using Padlet. After the presentation we will discuss the points from Padlet.
Questions to consider:
Are there any calculations or answers to questions presented which differ from yours?
Are there any points to which you would like to have more explanation?
Intended Learning Outcomes:
- The students can evaluate their colleague students’ work in relation to their own project work.
- The students can give feedback to colleague students’ on the presented work.
Flipped classroom on a course of auditory perception
This design is meant to transform the small-class teaching of a neuroscientific course using Educational IT/technology and a flipped classroom design.
Ideally, this design has one in-class teaching per week of 40 min, with most of the work (reading articles, watching online lectures) performed by the student at home. Before coming to the lecture, the students familiarize themselves with the topic. Tasks will include watching videos that provide a layman's introduction to the week’s topic. More technical details are provided by chapters of textbooks and/or scientific articles, that students must read, present, and assess critically to produce questions for in-class discussion activities. Active and social work on the content material takes place in the in-class and post-class activities. In these activities, the teacher acts as a lecturer and a moderator for group discussions, driving the students toward a deeper understanding of the content material. First, in a face-by-face session, the teacher presents the most complex topics and address some of the critical questions previously posted by the students in the discussion forum. In the second part of the lecture, a group of students will present a selected article and will start a debate on questions posted by peers on Padlet. This design includes several different technologies that, working in cohesion, are meant to promote active and social learning. These technologies include Webcasts, Youtube, Mentimeter, presentation slides, Padlet, and group discussions in Brightspace.
Intended Learning Outcomes:
- Understand and describe the physics of sounds
- Describe the key anatomical features of the outer, middle, and inner ear (excluding vestibular system)
- Explain the physiological properties of the outer and inner ear and how sound pressure waves are transduced into neural signals
- Describe the ascending auditory pathway and lists the critical subcortical and cortical nuclei where sounds are processed
- Explain and relate different auditory scene analysis (ASA) mechanisms and apply this knowledge to understand the cocktail party effect
- Describe methods of data acquisition in auditory neuroscience (e.g., fMRI, neurophysiology, psychoacoustics) and understand their promises and limitations
- Reflect on theories and the main experimental findings in the field of music perception
- Critical assessment of core scientific articles in the field of music perception
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