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Scaling issues in structural testing
Since buildings and infrastructures are quite large objects, scaling of physical models is a central issue in structural testing.
Scaling is introduced with dimensional analysis, that is, understanding how the solution of an equation is affected by scaling some of the parameters. This is quite a theoretical subject, and you can get away pretty well with whiteboard and markers.
Scaling also deals with how materials preserve specific properties at different scales. For example, how a tiny concrete beam develops cracks and why this behavior might not be representative of a large structural element.
The way we introduce forces in scaled physical models changes with the scaling factor. Judging the pros and cons of competing solutions (e.g., hydraulic actuation or additional masses) requires a lot of experience.
This teaching module aims to provide a toolbox for handling typical issues associated with the scaling of physical models for structural testing.
Intended Learning Outcomes:
- Apply dimensional analysis to study the effect of scaling on the response of a tested specimen.
- Apply size-effect models to study the effect of scaling on the response of a tested specimen.
- Design structural testing campaigns with scaled physical models.
Copied: Visualizing cleanroom fabrication
Students will learn how to visualize cleanroom fabrication processes and devices and use the visualizations to learn how devices are fabricated.
Intended Learning Outcomes:
- Visualize microfabrication processes
- Design cleanroom process flow
- Visualize devices
- Assess and optimize someone else's process flow
Enhancement af eksisterende FL 3.0 lektionsform - inklusion af 3. part e learning.
Konceptet er en enhancement af det "eksisterende" undervisning idet det er inklusion af 3. part e-learning og flipped classrum. De studerende forbereder sig hjemme på teori omkring anvendelsen af elektriske maskiner i konventionelle og regenerative energisystemer OG læser/laver øvelser omkring elektriske maskiner som e-learning.
Stoffet omkring anvendelsen af elektriske maskiner følger det "normale" pensum for FES og her laver underviser en video af med hovedpointerne af det læsestof der er på pensum i FES, jf. Flipped Classrum princip. Herudover har de studerende også fået et mobilt træningsmodul til rådighed for hver studerende.
De studerende forbereder sig hjemme, på klassen spørges der indtil stof og besværligheder. Evt. problemer afdækkes og teori diskuteres. De arbejder videre med deres øvelse. Hvis de er færdige skal de aflevere en rapport og en videopræsentation.
Rapport afleveres på BB. Så ved jeg at de har lavet øvelsen (rapporten er en pdf fra e learning modulet - det tager 5min at printe og uploade)
Videopræsentation afleveres på peer-grade. Fri opgave - men præsentation max. 5-8min. Opfordres til at bruge rapport til at tale ud fra.
De giver hinanden feedback via rubric som guider dem indtil præsentationsteknik og opfodrer dem til at tænke i eksempler og anvendelse af de elektriske maskiner eller forslå nye anvendelser.
Efter lektionerne har de studerende internaliseret og eksternaliseret deres nye viden og kombineret den med anvendelsesområder i stoffet og de har fået feedback fra deres peers.
Ved at flytte inkludere videopræsentation til en before eller after class activitet kommer der mere aktivitet mellem campus og on-line studerende.
FL .3.0 minder om STREAM modellen.
Intended Learning Outcomes:
- Kunne redgøre for funktionsprincipperne i de vedvarende energikilder som vind, sol, biogas etc. samt konventionelle energisystemer
- Have en forståelse for de elektriske systemer og hovedkomponenter bag energiformerne
Put title of your learning design here
Provide a summary of your learning design here, who are the intended learners, how do you teach this learning design, etc.
Intended Learning Outcomes:
- Demonstrate an understanding of current research about online teaching and learning
Module 1- Introduction to Science Technology and Society
Introducing the relationship between scientific discovery, technological innovation and the effect that have on society. What are society's expectations from science and technology?
Week 1 - Society and the impact of science and technology (1 ½ hour interactive Zoom session)
Week 1 – Asynchronous learning tasksWeek 2 – Synchronous, The philosophy of science and the scientific method(1 ½ hour interactive Zoom session)
Week 2 – Asynchronous learning tasks
Intended Learning Outcomes:
- 1.2 Develop relevant foundation knowledge
- 2.2 Access and critically analyse and evaluate information
- 3.1 Communicate effectively
- 3.2 Work and collaborate with diverse groups
- 4.1 Develop and apply learning skills
- 5.1 Use technologies appropriately
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