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Hàbits posturals
La seqüència d’aprenentatge proposada té la finalitat de fomentar els bons hàbits posturals en l'alumnat de 4t de Primària i fer-los partíceps també, en la millora dels hàbits de les seues famílies i entorns més propers així com fer-los coneixedors de les conseqüències i repercussions que poden tenir en la salut els mals hàbits.
Per al desenvolupament d'aquesta U.D s'utilitzarà una metodologia constructivista i amb un aprenentatge col·laboratiu, en el qual seran els propis estudiants els qui creïn les activitats a partir de les indicacions del docent, utilitzant tota mena de recursos facilitats pel mestre el qual serà un guia i facilitador del procés d'ensenyament-aprenentatge.
Cal destacar també, que l'estil d'ensenyament utilitzat en aquesta seqüència es correspon amb un estil cognoscitiu. Es basa en un aprenentatge actiu i significatiu a través de la indagació i la experimientación, la qual cosa comporta que la presa de decisions la tinguin els estudiants.
Intended Learning Outcomes:
- Saber quines són postures adequades per realitzar diferents accions quotidianes.
- Identificar mals hàbits posturals.
- Conèixer les possibles conseqüències dolentes per a la salut dels mals hàbits posturals.
- Reconèixer tots i cada un dels hàbits posturals que són bons per a la salut.
- Observar i experimentar quines accions posturals son dolentes i quines no.
- Conèixer les seues utilitats.
New learning design
class development
Intended Learning Outcomes:
- Describe and Define the Carbohydrates Chemistry
Spectral clustering - Data mining lectures
This activity focuses on spectral clustering a central masterpiece in graph analysis. During the next lecture the student will learn what spectral clustering means and how it works, but as a preliminary step the students must read a summary and answer some questions as well as being involved in a in-class discussion after presentation of the content to the class.
Intended Learning Outcomes:
- Describe spectral clustering, its limitations and its strengths
- Compare spectral clustering with previously presented methods for finding communities.
Advanced bioinformatics topics
Course “Advanced topics in genomics” with 6 students enrolled for 10 ECTS. Each week two topics are presented in a 3-hours session. The form of final examination is a project that uses the tools discussed in the course on a specific topic of biological interest.
*the topics are quite difficult
*standard class presentation is not successful
*Students’ focus decreases over 3 hours
*there is not enough time to discuss deeper technical aspects of the topics.Intended Learning Outcomes:
- Understand the basic of advanced methods
- Translate theory in potential applications
- Criticize results from state-of-the-art studies
- Connect the use of methods in an analysis framework
Simulation of multi-party cryptographic protocols using online forums
I propose this project for small class teaching in my ongoing MSc. elective course "Fundamentals of Computer Security", in which we just started the Cryptography module. Although the course is being offered as an elective at the MSc. level, the intention is to prototype an elective at the BSc. level. For it to be useful in a professional setting, this means the course should be as hands-on and practical as possible. The purpose of this activity is to exercise some simple cryptographic protocols involving multiple parties by using the course's online forum embedded in Blackboard as the underlying communication channel.
Learning activity
- Using a distributed randomness beacon, teacher split class in small groups and distribute selected cryptographic protocols among them.
- Students study the chosen protocol in detail and achieve consensus about which role they play in the execution of this protocol.
- Students implement the portions of the cryptographic protocol that their role is responsible for. These can include generation of global parameters, dealing of shared secrets, generation of key pairs and computation involving those.
- Students jointly execute the cryptographic protocol with your colleagues until the protocol is finished. If you need to transmit a message, as per the protocol specification, add a message to the online thread.
Intended Learning Outcomes:
- Analyze a cryptographic protocol from the scientific literature involving multiple parties, with respect to its security against passive adversaries.
- Build a working implementation of portions of a certain cryptographic protocol.
- Simulate a cryptographic protocol step-by-step using a working implementation.
- Report detailed findings and conclusions obtained in the experiments, even when negative.
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