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Electrochemical reduction of carbon dioxide
The purpose of this course is to introduce students the fundamental knowledge and applications of electrocatalysis for sustainable chemical conversions. Topics will cover electrocatalysts discovery and their applications in energy storage and conversion, pollutant degradation, and organic synthesis. One of the topics in this course is about the electrochemical reduction of carbon dioxide to value-added products, i.e. carbon monoxide, formate, methanol, methane.
Intended Learning Outcomes:
- Describe and explain various catalysts and influential factors for the electrochemical reduction of carbon dioxide
- Compare and evaluate different catalysts and influential factors in terms of activity, selectivity, stability, and cost
Learning design to combine lectures and theoretical exercises with project work
Group supervision in project-based course
This learning design is related to supervision in project-based course for bachelor students. In this course, there is a mid-term presentation that each group should present their project progress and challenges they have faced during the first 6 weeks of the semester. The peer feedback is used for the in-class presentations. To do that each group will provide some feedback on two other groups. This is already determined by the instructor which group is going to provide feedback to which two groups.
Intended Learning Outcomes:
- Team work: students will learn how to divide tasks between each other in a way that tasks can be done in parallel.
- Lab instruments and experiments: students will learn how to work with lab instruments, how to use datasheets and how to conduct experiments without daily guidance of the main supervisor.
- Presentation of the work: students will learn how to present their work.
- Scientific report: students will learn how to write a scientific report.
- Peer feedback: students will learn how to criticize other student’s projects and provide feedback through online tools (e.g. Peergrade).
Bloom's Taxonomy
Learning activity within the session 9 "Designing learning activities with ICT" of the pre-service teacher training seminar "International Perspectives for Digital Competence in School Contexts". The main aim of the session is that students will be able to design their own learning objectives/outcomes for their proposal and create their learning scenario for the planned activity (educational settings, structure, strategy, resources, evaluation).
Intended Learning Outcomes:
- Develop learning objectives/outcomes according to the Bloom's Taxonomy, and organise them according to their category
- Value the learning objectives/outcomes that the others had written down, according to their formulation and their position below a category of the taxonomy
Learning presentation skills
This learning design is for the Biotechnological Project II course, which is part of the 3rd year Bachelor program in Biotechnology at Aarhus University and runs for the first time now in the Fall of 2019.
The main goal of this course is to prepare the students for their Bachelor project in the following semester by 1) introducing the students to the different research groups working at Biological Engineering and by 2) improving the writing and presentation skills of the students.
Practically, the course is organized as follows: the students work in groups to perform two experiments (each 5 weeks), hosted by the different research groups at Biological Engineering. In addition, there are four general sessions to teach and train writing and presentation skills.
The learning design presented here is to train and assess the students on their presentation skills.
Intended Learning Outcomes:
- Students are capable to present scientific information in a clear and engaging manner
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