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Tentative learning design Sensors & Process Control
This is a tentative learning design for the subject 10 ECTS Sensors & Process Control which is being thought at Master level. Each year we have around 30-40 students signed up. This is a very relevant course where the students learn how to measure and control a process variable. With respect to Process control part we learn the theory behind the PID control. One of the challenges in the course is to properly understand the derivation of the model and its transformation in Laplace space. I see this as a flipped classroom and I would like to use the STREAM model, like enhancement. Students would have some out of class preparation, in-class explanation in forms of lectures, and probably some group work. This is followed again by out-of-class work (e-activities, discussion forum), and feedback and reflection next time we meet in person. I would like to try to use pencast and peerwise, last year I did it on whiteboard and uploaded the image from the whiteboard. I think they would gain more from pencast with audio.
Intended Learning Outcomes:
- Derive a first or second order ordinary differential model and Laplace transform it.
Optics and waves
Inspired by the STREAM model with elements of FC and JiTT, this module has eliminated the traditional lectures and replaced them with webcasts and online supervision.
exercises will be held in classroom as usual, however, this week has included a few practical exercises with lasers and optical elements.Intended Learning Outcomes:
- Explain the wave nature of light (vs. particle nature)
- Sketch light propagation through media, interfaces and lenses
- Calculate interference and diffraction patterns;
- Describe Gaussian beam propagation vs. Ray tracing
Akademisk skrivning i Agroøkologi
Formålet med dette læringsdesign er at sætte mere fokus på det delvist skjulte læringsmål om at blive bedre til at skrive videnskabelige tekster i kurset plantemikrobiologi. De studernede skal gennem forskellige aktivitet blive bedre til at vurdere videnskabelige tekster og blive bedre til at give feedback på tekstkvalitet. Herigennem skal de blive bedre til at lave gode problemstilllinger og til at skrive tekster på højt taksonomiske niveau.
Intended Learning Outcomes:
- At kunne formulere en god problemformulering
- At kunne vurdere og diskutere den skriftlige kvalitet af videnskabelige tekster
Transformation af forelæsninger om kvantestatistikker
Dette læringsdesign skal addressere den pædagogiske udfordring det er at aktivere de studerende udenfor klassen i kurset "Statistisk Fysik og Faststoffysik for sidefagsstuderende". Dette er nødvendigt da der kun er 2 forelæsninger til rådighed pr. uge. I dette læringsdesign er formålet at transformere undervisningen i 2 uger der handler om kvantestatistikker.
Intended Learning Outcomes:
- At kunne gengive den kvantemekaniske beskrivelse af en Fermion gas
- At kunne opstille og analysere 3-dimensionelle energi-integraler i relevante temperaturgrænser med henblik på at bestemme varmekapacitet
- At anvende begreberne fordelingsfunktion og tilstandstæthed til at beskrive kvantegasser
- At kunne bruge tilstandssum begrebet til at udlede Planck fordelingen
- At kunne udlede Stefan's lov for hulrumsstråling
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
This is the tentative learning design for the 5 ECTS point master course “Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics”. Previously the course has run as 3 hours per week, with a mixture of lectures/discussions, exercises and student presentations. Last year I ran the tropospheric chemistry part, with two hours of lecturing and 1 hour of exercises (to be solved before class). As the course content is quite heavy on chemical reactions and mechanisms the major pedagogic challenge is to ensure that the pace is not too fast. Last year I decided to use old school chalk and blackboard lectures, to ensure a slower pace. An ideal way ensures more flexibility in both place, time and pace is to transform of the blackboard lecture into a pencast.
The transformation of the lecture into a pencast will be made with the STREAM model in mind. I imagine the following activities to take place during the course of the week:
• Read curriculum.
• Watch pencast video.
• Solve exercises.
Out-of-class activity:
• Write a journal entry on blackboard answering 5-10 quick questions related to the curriculum.In-class:
• Mentimeter/Kahoot to get an understanding of their level of understanding.
• Go through points that seems to be the most difficult.
• Students go through the exercises.
• Each week one student will do a student presentation about one part of the curriculum that is not shown as a pencast lecture.
Out-of-class activity:
• Update your journal entry.The out-of-class activity serves two purposes:
1) It gives me an idea about the level of understanding of each student.
2) It gives the student a tentative set of notes that can directly be used for the exam.
Intended Learning Outcomes:
- Explain the principles and processes of importance for turnover of gasses in the air
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