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Copied: Copied: Case Based Learning
This design helps students to develop knowledge and skills relevant to their future professional practice. They begin by analysing relevant cases and then apply what they have learned to solving an industry-based problem. At the end of the project they reflect on their experiences. The design as described is implemented in a face-to-face setting with online support.
This sequence of tasks aims to help students link theory to practice in two ways. One is by analysing cases relevant to the knowledge and skills to be developed. Cases provide detailed descriptions of realistic situations, dilemmas and their outcomes. By analysing a known problem and its solution, students come to appreciate the complexity of real-life situations and derive conclusions that they can take into their own future practice. In this design the cases should be chosen to be relevant to the later project task, so that analysis of the cases provide students with useful insights into real world practice. The purpose of the project is to enable students to begin to put their ideas into practice, bring together component skills already learned and deal with complex situations. This is based on the premise that learners develop their skills and knowledge through engagement with realistic (or authentic) problems. The final tasks provide students with an opportunity to look back on their experiences and extract lessons for the future.
Intended Learning Outcomes:
- to develop specific knowledge and skills related to the project
- to develop understanding of how theory relates to practice
- to develop skills in case analysis and reflection
- to develop teamwork and project skills
Jigsaw Puzzle Lesson
This is where I write a description of my learning design.
Intended Learning Outcomes:
- Learning outcome 1 goes here
- Learning outcome 2 goes here.
Using media-rich synchronous online communication as a pedagogical tool
In this learning activity, students will have the opportunity to participate in an authentic and personally relevant task using a flipped classroom design. Students will use Google Hangouts and Google Docs as media-rich synchronous online communication tools, critically appraise the use of media-rich synchronous online communication as a pedagogical tool, and develop ideas for using media-rich synchronous online communication as a pedagogical tool in their own workplaces.
Intended Learning Outcomes:
- Students will develop an understanding of types of media-rich synchronous online learning activities
- Students will develop an understanding of the advantages and disadvantages in using media-rich synchronous online communication as a pedagogical tool
- Students will develop a level of familiarisation with the Google suite of synchronous communication tools including Google Drive, Google Docs and Google Hangouts
- Students will develop a learner’s perspective of the use of media-rich synchronous online learning activities
Copied: Using media-rich synchronous online communication as a pedagogical tool
In this learning activity, students will have the opportunity to participate in an authentic and personally relevant task using a flipped classroom design. Students will use Google Hangouts and Google Docs as media-rich synchronous online communication tools, critically appraise the use of media-rich synchronous online communication as a pedagogical tool, and develop ideas for using media-rich synchronous online communication as a pedagogical tool in their own workplaces.
Intended Learning Outcomes:
- Students will develop an understanding of types of media-rich synchronous online learning activities
- Students will develop an understanding of the advantages and disadvantages in using media-rich synchronous online communication as a pedagogical tool
- Students will develop a level of familiarisation with the Google suite of synchronous communication tools including Google Drive, Google Docs and Google Hangouts
- Students will develop a learner’s perspective of the use of media-rich synchronous online learning activities
Copied: Visiting the Solar System
This fully online course allows students explore the Solar System, collaborating with each other with the aim of producing a travel guide to the Solar System. Students use blogs and online message functions to communicate with each other and the teacher, keep an online diary to record and reflect on their learning. Their study culminates in the design of a multimedia presentation using an online tool.
Intended Learning Outcomes:
- ACSIS090 - Construct and use a range of representations including tables and graphs, to represent and describe observations, patterns and relationships in data using digital technologies.
- ACSSU078 - The Earth is part of a system of planets orbiting around a star (the Sun).
- ACSIS093 - Communicate ideas, explanations and processes in a variety of ways, including multi-modal texts.
- ACELY1702- Navigate and read texts for specific purposes applying appropriate text processing strategies, for example predicting and confirming, monitoring meaning, skimming and scanning.
- ACELY1704 - Plan, draft and publish imaginative, informative and persuasive print and multimodal texts, choosing text structures, language features, images and sound appropriate to purpose and audienc
- ACTDIP022 - Manage the creation and communication of ideas and information including online collaborative projects, applying agreed ethical, social and technical protocols
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