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Iterative Problem Solving
The design is based on the premise that solving relevant problems can help learners integrate conceptual knowledge with practical skills and that this process can be well supported through collaboration with other learners. In this design the teacher chooses a problem and breaks it down into manageable parts, and then assists student groups to make decisions and proceed through solving the problem. The design consists of cycles of small group problem-based learning followed by an individual capstone task in which learners can draw together what they have learned.
This design can be customised for any problem-based learning task. It is suited to large problems that can be broken into sequential steps (eg. the steps in undertaking a research project), but can be adapted to other types of problems (eg. with multiple components that can be solved in any order).
Intended Learning Outcomes:
- enables students to develop practical skills together with related conceptual knowledge in a relevant area
- enables students to synthesise and justify solutions to a problem
- enables students to directly experience group problem solving in the context of a relevant problem to their area of study
Australian Colonies
This learning design provides opportunities for students to develop historical understanding through key concepts including sources, continuity and change, cause and effect, perspective, empathy and significance. These concepts may be investigated within a particular historical context - The Australian Colonies - to facilitate an understanding of the past ad to provide a focus for historical inquiries. THe history content at this year level involves two strange: HIstorical Knowledge and Understanding; and Historical Skills. These strands are interrelated and should be taught in an integrated way; they may be integrated across learning areas and in ways that are appropriate to specific local contexts.
Intended Learning Outcomes:
- Students develop knowledge and understanding bout the nature of history and the key changes and developments from the past
- Students develop knowledge and understanding about key historical concepts and develop the skills to undertake the process of historical inquiry.
- Students describe the significance of people, groups, places and events to the development of the Australian nation
- Students describe the principles of Australian democracy
- Students describe and explain the struggles for rights and freedoms in Australia
Predict Observe Explain
The Predict Observe Explain strategy is used to help students understand phenomenon of process (particularly scientific or mathematical). The key feature of this design is the opportunity for students to predict the outcome of the phenomena/process. It is assumed that this will help students more closely observe and be able to articulate the explanation for their prediction and/or the actual outcome of the phenomenon/process. In this design students watch the initial part of a stimulus scenario of a phenomena/process then work collaboratively in pairs to discuss and record their prediction for the outcome. Students then watch the remainder of the scenario to observe the actual outcome before finally explaining the differences between their prediction and the outcome.
The predict-observe-explain learning design is based on the notion that students learn and solve problems by working through potential contradictory ideas or concepts (eg., their prediction and the actual observed phenomenon/process) and through discussion with their peers.
Intended Learning Outcomes:
- to articulate, justify and critically reflect on preconceptions
- to become aware of alternative conceptions
- to use discipline appropriate language
- to develop process skills (predict, observe, explain)
Case Based Learning
This design helps students to develop knowledge and skills relevant to their future professional practice. They begin by analysing relevant cases and then apply what they have learned to solving an industry-based problem. At the end of the project they reflect on their experiences. The design as described is implemented in a face-to-face setting with online support.
This sequence of tasks aims to help students link theory to practice in two ways. One is by analysing cases relevant to the knowledge and skills to be developed. Cases provide detailed descriptions of realistic situations, dilemmas and their outcomes. By analysing a known problem and its solution, students come to appreciate the complexity of real-life situations and derive conclusions that they can take into their own future practice. In this design the cases should be chosen to be relevant to the later project task, so that analysis of the cases provide students with useful insights into real world practice. The purpose of the project is to enable students to begin to put their ideas into practice, bring together component skills already learned and deal with complex situations. This is based on the premise that learners develop their skills and knowledge through engagement with realistic (or authentic) problems. The final tasks provide students with an opportunity to look back on their experiences and extract lessons for the future.
Intended Learning Outcomes:
- to develop specific knowledge and skills related to the project
- to develop understanding of how theory relates to practice
- to develop skills in case analysis and reflection
- to develop teamwork and project skills
Developing Professional Skills
This design encourages students to engage in a team based, authentic project to develop skills specific to their future professional practice. The main aim is to provide students with meaningful learning experiences that promote generic skills relevant to their industry and develop their team-work skills. Student teams develop a product for a client as well as the required documentation (e.g. project proposal, design specifications, legal documentation etc.) which are all based on industry standards.
Developing Professional Skills gives students a real-world experience in working within the requirements and standards in the professional setting for which they are preparing. Students collaborate with each other to complete a project as they would in the workforce. Peer and self-assessment allows students to develop skills in monitoring their own and judging quality of their co-workers project input and output.
Intended Learning Outcomes:
- to develop generic skills for relevant professional practice such as communication, research and time management skills
- to develop task management skills within a team environment
- to engage in effective collaboration and negotiation skills
- to develop specific knowledge and skills of particular industry practices
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