Being a body

Author: Bessie

Created: 2024-12-05 08:13am

Edited: 2024-12-05 09:17am


The course objective is to introduce the students to the ways anthropological notions and debates can contribute to understanding current issues in the contemporary world e.g., migration issues, climate change, social inequalities etc. The course is related to the other 1st semester BA course, “Disciplinary history and core concepts in Anthropology”, by exemplifying, how such notions and developments in anthropological scholarship can be used to put contemporary issues into perspective.

Intended Learning Outcomes:

  • Demonstrate understanding and overview of how death and dying have been treated anthropologically.
  • Assess the relevance of anthropological concepts and perspectives when understanding of death and dying as a current issue.
  • Identify and assess the usefulness of subjective experience in relation to the anthropology of death and dying.
Resources Tasks Supports

Course material: two texts.
Brightspace: introduction &
guidance for reading.

Read course material
& introduction


Lecturing (in class)

Power point slides

Lecture, 1 hour (big class)
(Exercise included)


Power point slides &
explanation of exercise

Microphenological inspired exercise
"Thinking about death"
Writing notes
share what feels comfortable
Reflections on exercise


Discussion (in and out of class)

Powerpoint & written instructions on role play with links to debate

Read the material to each role
Divide into groups of 4
Discuss the different perspectives
Represent 1 voice in the debate on assisted suicide

Teacher & co-teacher

Facilitation of discussion

Discuss perspectives from roleplay in plenum
Reflect on the anthropological insights on involving subjective experience on death and dying

Teacher & co-teacher