Redesigning Tooling Lab Sessions for Physical Computing
The redesign of the machinery tooling segment of the course "Physical Computing", taught to 3rd semester IT Product Development students at Department of Computer Science. The course is also available as an elective for Computer Science students, and select students from the Faculty of Technical Sciences. The course is introductory for most of the equipment and machinery used, and therefore the material, instruction and tutoring must assume that the students are completely new in these topics and around the equipment.
The lesson set used the be the following:
1. 3D Models use external Autodesk tutorial videos and follows up with an outdated lecture.
2. 3D Printing builds on 3D models lecture and includes direct tips to machinery.
3. PCB tooling in software and at machinery - normally just a lecture and then practical work with instructions.
The idea is to redesign the lesson sets to the following (and in order):
1. Flipped Classroom format and preparation expectations will be aligned at the end of the last lecture before the technical teaching sessions.
2. 3D Models becomes flipped classroom based on Autodesk videos and follows-up with matrix groups where the students look at designs and talk biggest challenges, tips and “aha moments!”.
3. 3D Printing becomes flipped classroom, and in-class teaching becomes a live-demo of using the PRUSA Slic3r program with files that the students uploaded prior.
4. PCB tooling becomes flipped classroom - an array of short videos that introduce Eagle, Importing Components, Nodes and Settings, Routing and Auto-router and Integration with Fusion. In-class teaching becomes machinery tooling with individual groups; Setting up the machine, making the file ready, running and how to know if it’s going well, post-processing.
Intended Learning Outcomes:
- Integrate electronic circuits with 3D prints
- Updated: Construct more advanced interactive devices or systems based on standalone microcontrollers and custom printed circuit boards.
- Updated: Utilize 3D printers to print CAD models made in Fusion 360 or similarly complex CAD software
- ... construct interactive artifacts and/or environments from scratch
Resources | Tasks | Supports | |||
Preparation for Lesson 1 (flipped classroom) starts |
Resource Course schedule and information on the lesson sets will be available on Brightspace. |
Task 1 Students watch video set on 3D models. They work along to the videos, and have a simple design at the end. ↓ |
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Support Students will be informed of the change in teaching format for the lectures, and expectations will be aligned prior to having to prepare for the classes (in the end of final lecture before lesson set starts). |
Resource Link to multiple resources on 3D modeling will be available to the students |
Task 2 Students prepare 3D model or 3D work that they have done based on tutorials or prior projects ↓ |
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Support It will be noted that answers and results will be shared, and they can contact teachers if they have follow-up questions. |
End of preparation for Lesson 1 |
Lesson 1 (flipped classroom) starts |
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Task 3 Questions, material and in-class exercise will be discussed plenary for 10-20 minutes. ↓ |
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Support To advocate participation in the in-class activities, findings from the paper "Measuring actual learning versus feeling of learning in response to being actively engaged in the classroom" will be presented |
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Task 4 Matrix groups are formed and the students present their designs, and share feedback + tips/tricks learned. ↓ |
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Support Matrix groups are formed by lecturer in advance, to alleviate time spent on forming groups. |
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Task 5 Plenary discussion closes lesson before practical exercise starts. Tips/tricks are shared, and requests for more further development material is taken. ↓ |
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Lesson 1 (flipped classroom) ends, students start work on pre-existing practical exercises. |
Preparation for Lesson 2 (live-demo session) starts |
Resource Links to environments and tutorials are available |
Task 1 Students watch video material and familiarize themselves with the 3D printing software environment ↓ |
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Task 2 Students prepare a 3d-model to bring to class (found or made). ↓ |
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Support Repository to upload or share 3D models to be used in live demo is available to the student. |
Preparation for Lesson 2 ends |
Lesson 2 starts |
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Task 3 Questions, material and in-class exercise will be discussed plenary for 10-20 minutes. ↓ |
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Task 4 Teacher facilitated live-demo starts, and works from the students' prepared and brought models. Potential issues or options are discussed in plenary, and it is shown that it is an iterative process, often including trial-and-error. ↓ |
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Task 5 Lesson concludes with plenary feedback on elements they would like to learn more about. ↓ |
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Lesson 2 (live-demo session) ends, students start work on pre-existing practical exercises. |
Preparation for Lesson 3 (flipped classroom) starts |
Resource Thorough and reiterated guide on using the equipment is uploaded and will be their bible for the session |
Task 1 Students watch video set on PCB design and production. They work along to the videos, and have a simple circuit design at the end. ↓ |
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Resource Links to software suites are available to the students. |
Task 2 Students prepare software suite, design and potential questions for the lab session. ↓ |
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Lesson 3 starts |
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Task 3 Students get introduced to practical exercise in the beginning of the lab sessions. Questions are answered plenary. ↓ |
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Resource Written documentation on process is available to the students, and can help with the exercise. |
Task 4 Students work with PCB production and CNC use throughout lab session, assisted by lecturer and TAs ↓ |
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Support TAs with knowlede of the topic and equipment help facilitate the session. |
Lesson 3 (flipped classroom) ends, students start work on pre-existing practical exercises. |
Student project work that includes use of equipment and machinery |
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Task 1 Students further develop their abilities to use prototyping equipment and processes. Equipment process refined by themselves, and fine-tuning is based on them and their project needs. ↓ |
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Support Lecturer and TA available with assistance. |
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Task 2 Evaluation is three-fold: Evaluation report at the end of the course, oral and plenary evaluation session with the students, and last but not least; final prototype design and implementation shows prototyping skills and learning. |
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