Spectral clustering - Data mining lectures

Author: mutandon

Created: 2019-09-24 11:28pm

Edited: 2019-12-09 07:33pm

Keywords: clustering, spectral methods, linear algebra, graph mining


This activity focuses on spectral clustering a central masterpiece in graph analysis. During the next lecture the student will learn what spectral clustering means and how it works, but as a preliminary step the students must read a summary and answer some questions as well as being involved in a in-class discussion after presentation of the content to the class.

Intended Learning Outcomes:

  • Describe spectral clustering, its limitations and its strengths
  • Compare spectral clustering with previously presented methods for finding communities.
Resources Tasks Supports

Before class

1-2 pages summary of the algorithm presented during the week

Read and understand the summary

Questions in blackboard

Students answer the questions about the technique

Forum support from peers

During class


The lecturer present a case with the algorithm involved and comments on the answers in the test.

Lecture presentation and feedback

Use case

Discussion in class

Mediation of the discussion

After class

Practical exercises

Students answer theoretical questions and solves practical exercises in the TA session

Support and feedback from the TAs

Study cafè

Feedback and clarifications from TAs, with possibility of communicating questions to the lecturer

TA and peer answers