Copied: Learning design of linking theory to practice through a field trip

Author: Pil_P

Created: 2024-05-21 11:39pm

Edited: 2024-06-07 01:00am

Keywords: Field trip, Case-based and problem-based learning, Higher-level learning, Active learning, Prompting Students

Derived from: Learning design of linking theory to practice through a field trip


Description of learning design
Overall teaching plan
3 hours: theoretical basis to “Intro to Nature-based Solutions: Rewilding and Rewetting in Danish Landscapes” (co-teachers) + preparation for field trip (me)
3 hours: field trip to local NbS project: "From agriculture to recreational nature in Vilhelmsborg” (me + external co-teachers)
3 hours: evaluation of field trip (me) + integrated transition into next topic on visualisation(co-teacher)

Intended Learning Outcomes:

  • Students should be able to identify specific restorations targets and suggest a monitoring plan to test if restoration has been successful
  • Students should be able to identify and discuss ecological barriers for a specific restoration target
  • Students should be able to identify and discuss potential conflicts and synergies with other environmental agendas or societal agendas
  • Students should be able to suggest a plan for how to mitigate conflicts and bring potential synergies into play by applying tools from the toolbox
Resources Tasks Supports

Out-of-class 1: Before field trip

Articles: Seddon et al 2021
Perino et al 2019

Acquisition trough reading

BrightSpace info

In-class 1

Lectures:“Intro to Nature-based Solutions: Rewilding and Rewetting in Danish Landscapes” (co-teachers) + preparation for field trip (me)

Acquisition through listening, self-reflection, note-taking, asking questions

External lecturers, teacher and co-teacher

Out-of-class 2

Former lecture slides prepping for field trip

Self-reflection on ILOs

Fellow students

In-class 2 : field trip

Guided field trip to local NbS project: "From agriculture to recreational nature in Vilhelmsborg” (me + external co-teachers)

Acquisition through listening to guide, smelling, touching, watching, listening to the NbS,

External and internal co-teachers

Assignment (group work)

Small group discussion, writing, reflecting on new knowledge from field trip

Fellow students,teacher, co-teachers

Out-of-class 3: after field trip

Assignment (continued individually)

Reflecting on field trip, re-visting earlier learnings (tools), writing, synthesising

Curriculum, lecture slides, responses from group work part of assignment

In-class 3

Lecture: Reflection on field trip (me) + integrated transition into next topic on visualisation (co-teacher)

Acquisition through listening, being prompted, answering questions, asking questions, reading slides

Teacher and co-teachers, assignments