Use JiTT and PI for enhancing students' learning in a small class teaching on soil organic matter

Author: Zhi

Created: 2022-09-19 07:53pm

Edited: 2022-09-27 01:58am

Keywords: Just-in-Time Teaching, Peer Instruction, small class teaching, active learning, deep learning, soil organic matter


Use Just-in-Time Teaching (JiTT) and Peer Instruction (PI) for enhancing and augmenting the small class teaching on soil organic matter (SOM) to more active, collaborative, and deep learning. The curriculum taught within our bachelor and master programs is predominated by passive learning with a strong focus on content transmission from teachers to students via lecturing. Among all challenges, the diverse background and levels of students makes it tricky for teachers to design the course with an appropriate level of the content and difficult to fulfill the expectation of all students. The aim of the present learning design is to create a more active, explorative and social learning environment, by implementing JiTT and PI models in the course design. In this context, “JiTT practices” such as surveys, quizzes and readings are provided to students online before the in-class teaching so that the teachers can get an impression of the level of the students and can adjust the teaching accordingly. Then in-class activities mainly include mini lectures from the teachers for explanation and/or clarification, and group discussions between students, or between the teacher and students. In particular, PI will be implemented in the group discussions, in order to improve the understanding of students with less background or at the relatively “low” level, and also to challenge the learning of “high” level students.

Intended Learning Outcomes:

  • Understand the main idea of different frameworks conceptualizing the nature of SOM
  • Elaborate the processes of microbial transformation and stabilization of SOM
  • Identify management practices to improve the SOM stock
Resources Tasks Supports

Before the in-class

Online survey

Define the content and level of the course

Post the survey results and refine the content and level of the course


Introduce the latest understanding of what SOM is and how it cycles

Online forum to identify, post, and discuss the aspects which are difficult to learn and understand



Discuss and/or explain the difficult aspects

Mini-lecture allowing for discussions and interactions at anytime

Quiz (designed by the teacher but also from the online survey)

Assess the intended learning outcomes, while enhancing learning via PI


Intended learning outcomes

Recapture the intended learning outcomes and evaluation of the lesson


After class

Students form their own notes

Students form their own notes

Online discussion and feedback