New learning design

Author: Nainggolan

Created: 2018-12-10 10:19am

Edited: 2018-12-10 11:01am


The learning design is proposed as part of the learning activities for a 10 ECTS course “Environmental Governance: Policy Processes and Economic Dimension” offered to Masters students in Biology.

The design aims to address two pedagogical challenges:
Firstly, large share of the students enrolled in the course have limited (if any) economics background. The key challenge is therefore to aid students’ comprehension of basic microeconomic concepts, which will make it easier for them to follow the environmental economics components of the course. A structured pre-lecture activity is proposed.

Secondly, an important element of the course is for the students to critically evaluate and apply different methods (e.g. non-market valuation methods). There may be a scope for realizing this objective through an e-tivity.

Intended Learning Outcomes:

  • The overall purpose of the learning design is to provide the students with structured outside class activities that are closely linked with inside-class activities in order to enhance their learning p
Resources Tasks Supports

Activity 1 (out-of-class)

Youtube videos and podcasts on key micro-economic concepts

Task 1
Students watch videos and listen to podcasts and make individual notes

Only when technical issues arise

As above

Task 2
Students write joint summaries in groups they have been assigned to

Peer support - online

As above

Task 3
On PeerWise, each student posts at least one question and assess their fellow students' answers

Peer evaluation and teacher's feedback online

Activity 2 (in-class)

Part 1 - clarifying a selection of concepts
Part 2 - methods for non-market valuation


Activity 3 (out-of-class)

Reading materials and lecture slides on blackboard; additional readings

Task 1
Introduction of task in online meeting room (Adobe Connect)
Then students break-up into separate groups

Teacher as online moderator

As above

Task 2
Students work in group; they discuss and come up with a design of choice experiment for their specific case study. They have to consider four aspects

Peer support; teacher available online to respond to questions from students

As above

Task 3
Students submit the results of their group work on Blackboard and they also have to provide feedback to two other groups

Feedback and evaluation from teachers either online or in class