Agromicrobioly 2021- Introduction to Viruses - TØ
The learning path on “Introduction to Viruses” aims at introducing basic principles and fundamental concepts of viruses, starting with the structure and properties of a virus particle, approaches to classify viruses, their genetic material, and the viral life cycle. Students will gain knowledge on the evolutional potential of viruses and its impact on livestock production. Moreover, students will be introduced to selected viral families with relevance for livestock production and the diseases they cause.
The learning design developed below aims at engaging students in active learning to acquire knowledge on selected virus families and develop an understanding of their relevance for livestock production.
Intended Learning Outcomes:
- Account for the basic structure of viruses and their classification systems
- Name viruses infecting livestock animals and relate viral properties to their ability to infect livestock animals and their disease severity in a production setting
- Explain the relationship between mutations and the evolutionary potential of viruses in the context of emerging livestock diseases
Resources | Tasks | Supports | |||
Before class (out-of-class) preparation: |
Lecture notes; Brock Biology of Microorganisms (Chap. 8); |
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Answer Mentimeter quiz ↓ |
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General discussion forum on Brightspace; contact instructor |
Lecture notes; Brock Biology of Microorganisms (Chap. 8); |
Make a blog post in discussion forum 1 on a concept from the lecture or quiz you had difficulties to understand (post a question or general comment elaborating your difficulties/misconceptions). Comment on at least one post from your peers. ↓ |
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Brightspace discussion forum 1; contact instructor |
Veterinary Microbiology and Microbial Disease (chap. XXX) |
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Read assigned textbook chapter ↓ |
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General discussion forum on Brightspace; contact instructor |
Lecture notes; Brock Biology of Microorganisms (chap. 8); Veterinary Microbiology and Microbial Disease (chap. XXX), |
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Produce a blog post in discussion forum 2 on the hypothesis that viruses develop high virulence in livestock production settings. Provide informed arguments for or against this hypothesis. Read your peers argumentation and comment on at least one. ↓ |
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Brightspace discussion forum 2 |
Books: Brock Biology of Microorganisms, Kelly S. Bender, Daniel H. Buckley and David A. Stahl; 16th Edition; Veterinary Microbiology and Microbial Disease, Quinn PQ, Markey BK, Carter ME, Donelly WJ, Leonard FC; 1st Edition |
In-class activities (face-to-face, small class teaching, 3x45min): |
Poster template; Lecture notes; Brock Biology of Microorganisms (chap. 8); Veterinary Microbiology and Microbial Disease, (chap. XXX) |
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In your group, prepare a poster on magic-paper, introducing peers to your virus family (general overview) and one representative viruses with impact on livestock production (selected by instructor). Consider virus properties introduced in the lecture (e.g., properties of virus particles, viral classification, infection life cycle, etc.). Take a picture of your poster. (30 min) ↓ |
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Group members, Instructor |
Quality criteria; Prepared poster |
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Display posters in class room. In your group, go on a gallery walk, discuss posters, and provide feedback to each poster (posted notes, green: what is good, yellow: suggestions for improvement, red: questions to address with respect to livestock implication) (20 min) ↓ |
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Group members, other peers, instructor |
Presented posters |
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In your group, answer a questionnaire utilizing each others products (posters) and knowledge acquired by asking the other groups when relevant information might be missing. (30 min) ↓ |
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Group members, instructor |
Presented posters, discussion questions |
Plenum discussion of questions (20 min) ↓ |
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Group members, other groups, instructor |
Provided feedback, Lecture notes; Brock Biology of Microorganisms (Chap. 8); Veterinary Microbiology and Microbial Disease (chap. XXX) |
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In group, discuss feedback received for your poster and aspects from the other posters that inspired you, implement feedback and adjust/finalize poster. Take a picture of the final version. (15 min) ↓ |
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Group members, instructor |
Resource |
Individually: Write a padlet post on most important point(s) learned today (10 min) ↓ |
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Support |
After class (out-of-class) activity: |
Posters |
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Share your poster pictures (version 1 and 2) on Brightspace in discussion forum 3 ↓ |
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Brightspace discussion forum 3 |
Posters; Lecture notes; Brock Biology of Microorganisms (chap. 8); Veterinary Microbiology and Microbial Disease (chap. XXX) |
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Read all padlet posts ↓ |
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Padlet |
Posters; Lecture notes; Brock Biology of Microorganisms (chap. 8); Veterinary Microbiology and Microbial Disease (chap. XXX) |
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Return to discussion forum 2, read all posts again. Based on newly acquired knowledge, comment on your initial blog post (any changes?) and at least one other post. |
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Brightspace discussion forum 2 |