The STREAM Model

Author: godsk

Created: 2018-06-25 06:01pm

Edited: 2018-06-25 07:31pm

Keywords: STEM, blended learning, online learning, STREAM, flipped classroom, just-in-time teaching, active learning, peer instruction


The STREAM model is a flexible learning design model developed in the context of Science and Technology, Aarhus University for designing blended and online learning. The model is based on pedagogic principles derived from flipped classroom, just-in-time teaching, peer instruction, and active learning.

The design would typically represent a week or other similar teaching unit.

Resources Tasks Supports

Out-of-class loop

Textbooks, articles, videos, interactive material (organised sequentially)

The student reads/watches content (curriculum), 10–20 mins. recommended

Moderated online content support discussion forum (or similar) on the understanding of the curriculum

Relevant activities provided in the LMS, such as MCQs, peer instruction, wiki, discussion activities, and/or assignments (organised sequentially)

The student participates in a (minor) activity, which activates the read/watched content

Moderated online activity support discussion forum (or similar) on how to participate in the activities

If more content is available, repeat row 1–2

Survey with textbox provided (organised as the last step of the sequence)

The student reflects over the out-of-class content and activities by specifying what s/he found easy and difficult

Out-of-class activities provide data/feedback to...

In-class and/or online follow-up

Exemplars, additional content, and answers to questions and student reflections according to the results/data from the out-of-class activities and reflections

The students receive face-to-face follow-up in-class (e.g., in lectures, group exercises, or lab) or online

Online follow-up provided by the educator by means of text announcements, video, tabletcasts, forum posts, or other relevant tool/media

In-class and/or online activities adjust the subsequent out-of-class loop...

Additional information

Learn more about The STREAM Model at: and on Twitter: or in the article Godsk (2013):