Learning design of linking theory to practice through a field trip

Author: Pil_P

Created: 2024-05-21 11:25pm

Edited: 2024-05-21 11:37pm

Keywords: Field trip, Case-based and problem-based learning, Higher-level learning, Active learning, Prompting Students


Description of learning design
Overall teaching plan
3 hours: theoretical basis to “Intro to Nature-based Solutions: Rewilding and Rewetting in Danish Landscapes” (co-teachers) + preparation for field trip (me)
3 hours: field trip (me + external co-teachers)
3 hours: evaluation of field trip (me) + integrated transition into next topic on visualitsation(co-teacher)

Resources Tasks Supports

Session 1 "Intro to Nature-based Solutions: Rewilding and Rewetting in Danish Landscapes"

Articles: Seddon et al 2021, Perino et al 2019

Acquisition trough reading

BrightSpace info

