TEL and JiTT

Author: aban

Created: 2024-12-05 01:59am

Edited: 2024-12-05 02:13am


Resources Tasks Supports

Out-of-class (pre-lecture)

Videos (e.g., from "Vander’s Human Physiology")

Watch topic-related videos.

Teacher posts video links and instructions on Brightspace

Reading materials (from textbook or supplementary sources)

Read assigned materials and identify main concepts.

Teacher posts a study plan in good advance on Brightspace

Multiple-choice quizzes (MCQs) on Brightspace

Take the quiz to assess understanding of reading and videos.

Automatic feedback on incorrect answers; teacher available for support if needed in the lecture.


Mentimeter (TEL tool)

Respond to anonymous in-class questions using Mentimeter (e.g., to gauge understanding and encourage discussion) & discuss with 1-2 other peers

Teacher provides clarifications based on answers and facilitates discussion

PowerPoint slides

Participate in lectures with summaries of key points and further elaborations based on quiz results.

Teacher ensure part of the lecture is based on quiz analysis to focus on key challenges

Quiz data analysis (from pre-class MCQ)

Engage in group discussions or Q&A sessions addressing the most difficult quiz questions or unclear concepts.

Teacher moderates group discussions, offering guidance and additional resources

Out-of-class (post-lecture)

Repeat Brightspace MCQ (same as pre-class)

Retake the quiz (identical questions to pre-class) to monitor learning progress and reinforce understanding.

Feedback provided automatically for retake quizzes and this time with correct answers.