Supervisor Meetings - Nils

Author: nilsaberglund

Created: 2022-09-26 09:07pm

Edited: 2022-09-28 06:39pm


I have weekly supervisor meetings with my students, this outline provides an overview of how the interaction and workflow surrounding supervisor meetings will flow in order to optimise the meetings themselves and to have a clear record of the decisions made in Padlet.

Intended Learning Outcomes:

  • Have a clear understanding of what we will discuss at the meeting
  • Keeping track of key decisions made throughout the project
  • Clear distribution of labour between student and supervisor
Resources Tasks Supports

Prior to Meeting

Own data and scientific articles

Assess issues to discuss



Prepare answers to questions asked by supervisor


During Meeting


Go through padlet and discuss the different questions asked

I will provide answers to the questions posedby the students and expand on the rational behind their purpose.


Discuss actions to take and distribute workload, add these in to the padlet page

This will be discussed together and we will decide what makes most sense

Post Meeting


Carry out actions decided upon in meeting.

Depedning on the actions I will support in some cases if one action involves us doing tasks together or involves a teaching component such as going through a new technique