Jigsaw Puzzle Lesson

Author: adenorman

Created: 2015-01-19 02:43pm

Edited: 2015-01-20 03:03pm

Keywords: group work, exploration, collaboration


This is where I write a description of my learning design.

Intended Learning Outcomes:

  • Learning outcome 1 goes here
  • Learning outcome 2 goes here.
Resources Tasks Supports

This is where I type a description of the first RESOURCE.

This is where I type a description of what the learners do as their first TASK.

This is where I type a description of the first SUPPORT structure.

The learners produce this RESOURCE, so the arrow pointing left is selected.

This is what the learners do next.

The learners also produce this RESOURCE.

This is next thing the learners do.

A description of the SUPPORT goes here.

Description of RESOURCE goes here.

This is the last thing the learners do.

A description of the SUPPORT goes here.

Additional information

This is where I add additional information to explain how the whole learning design works.