Structural RNA Nanotechnology

Author: codygeary

Created: 2022-09-25 08:02pm

Edited: 2022-09-25 09:29pm

Keywords: STREAM, lab exercises, simulation, small classroom teaching, exploration, folding, origami, RNA


Lecture is based on the theory of cognitive contructivism, the learners construct their own mental framework of energetic barriers in folding by physical interaction with paper folding in class. The module uses the STREAM approach to take advantage of blended learning with both out-of-class activities to complete before lecture and in-class activities designed to help learners achieve higher levels of Bloom's taxonomy. Students are expected to reflect on their experiences during the in-class and out-of-class exercises, and the format encourages independent learning to giver students a deeper conceptual starting point for the lectures. The module consists of two 2h lectures that each have their own preparation and follow-up assignments, followed by a journal-club/workshop day. The format of each lecture is 1h of lecture followed by a 1h guided exercise. Technology is used in the form of Youtube videos, homemade tutorial guides and videos, Brightspace discussion forums, and finally learners design their own biomolecules using our lab's homebuilt software. A goal of this module design is to bring more active, social, and experiential learning into the pedagogy framework.

Intended Learning Outcomes:

  • Define structural rearrangement
  • Examine the concept of folding domains by assembling paper models
  • Develop an intuitive understanding of structural bifurcation
  • Explore how energy barriers interplay with folding pathways
  • Explain structural compaction
  • Design and prototype a RNA origami nanostructure
Resources Tasks Supports

Day 1 Preparation

Review Paper: RNA Nanotechnology

Read paper, short answer questions

Brightspace links to paper


Watch introductory video on Origami

Follow tutorial on Miura-Ori Fold

Photograph origami and discuss two prompt questions.

Brightspace Discussion Forum

Brightspace embedding of videos

A4 Sheet of Paper

The Miura-Orig origami has the special property that it is overconstrained and cannot misfold, in folding it students discover generalizable folding properties (modularity, rigidity, compaction, etc).

Day 1 Lecture on RNA Folding and Design

Bistable Folding Example

Follow origami folding instructions as they appear between lecture slides.

These intermediate folds are used as physical examples of folded states in a folding pathway.

Square origami paper
(provided by teacher)


Introduction to RNA folding energy landscapes. We use the example of a creased paper to show how structure increases the strength of an object. Next we fold the bird base shape, it is bistable. Students 'pop' the structure back and forth and see that there is an energy barrier to go through the unfolded state. By the end of the lecture instructions to finally fold the origami into a fully-flattened shape illustrate the concept of structural compaction.

Lecture Slides

Physics-based simulation of paper origami compaction. The website has interactive controls and allows users to explore many different origami shapes and folds.

Visit the website and play with the paper crane folding model. Observe how compacting all folds simultaneously is different from following a step-wise folding pathway.


A handout exercise that encodes the first four letters of their name into an RNA fold.

They follow the exercise and then each student will develop a complex strand path based on their personal encoding. After, if time permits, students can compare/contrast designs. The encoding step helps ensure everyone has a unique structure to share. Students count up the number of topological barriers in the structure based on a technique shown in lecture. Finally, they are asked to propose a 'best' design based on the discussion.

Folding Exercise Handout (provided)

Colored Crayons (provided)

Day 2 Preparation

RNA origami design tutorial

Visit the website and read through the tutorials that explain the ROAD design software and interface. Install and required software to do the exercise.

Brightspace links

Video tutorial

Paper on ROAD Design Software

Read the Nature Chemistry paper on RNA design in preparation to make your own related design.

Brightspace link to paper

RNA design project

Read through the RNA design project and start to plan the project.

Brightspace link

Day 2 Lecture: RNA nanotechnolgy applications

PPT slides also posted on Brightspace

RNA nanotechnology and applications. The lecture is designed to help students with their design projects by introducing a variety of techniques and modular RNA components that can be used to build a design.

Lecture, 1h

Design workshop

Students have 1h in-class to continue work on their design projects. Teacher and teacher assistant are both available to offer technical support for design software and input preparation.

Support, 1h

Day 3: RNA Design Workshop and Journal Club

Discussion and Summary

Students discuss the assigned paper on RNA design.

Journal Club

Design workshop

Discussion on prototyping and ideation.
Additional time for RNA design project is provided, and TA support is available for technical help.
