Thesis introduction writing with AI-generated text

Author: jaluan

Created: 2022-09-26 04:48pm

Edited: 2022-09-26 07:23pm

Keywords: Thesis introduction writing, AI-generated text, Ethics and copyright issues


The use of AI for generating text is becoming increasingly widespread. Using AI generated text for university assignments and projects is viewed by some as cheating. This form of ‘cheating’ is hard to detect because it does not directly involve plagiarizing existing text and thus will not be flagged by plagiarism-checking tools. By others, AI generated text - when supervised and quality-checked by the user - is viewed as the future of writing. This exercise aims at i) introducing the student to AI generated text (if they do not know of it already), ii) writing and editing a draft of the thesis introduction with the use of AI generated text, iii) discussing and critically assessing the thesis introduction as a genre, and iv) evaluating and discussing the pros and cons of the method and the ethical borderland with the student.
The pedagogical rationale is to enable the student to critically reflect on writing, thesis content, plagiarism, ethics, and the future of the borderland between human and artificial intelligence.

Intended Learning Outcomes:

  • Basic knowledge on AI-generated text
  • Write and edit a draft of the thesis introduction with the use of AI generated text
  • Discuss and critically assess the thesis introduction as a genre
  • Evaluate and discuss the pros and cons of AI-generated text for University assignments and the ethical considerations
Resources Tasks Supports


Investigate the underlying methods behind AI-generated text

Available for questions or similar online tool of own choice

Generate AI-based text for thesis introduction

Available for questions

Discussion board on brightspace

Evaluate pro's and con's of AI-generated text at University level

Available for questions, live or online meeting with student(s)


Reflect on quality in thesis introductions

Live or online meeting with student(s)

Additional information

AI has several benefits when creating texts. For one, students no longer need to worry about creating complex works from scratch. Instead, they can focus on adding various customization options to their creations. This allows students to focus on their ideas and message rather than manually selecting text options for each individual instance. Additionally, by relying on artificial intelligence, students can create virtually infinite varieties of texts. This allows them to experiment with new genres and concepts without ever running out of ideas. Plus, implementing AI in these creations frees up students from inventing content - they can focus on other parts of the project while an AI generates unique content for them.
(NB this paragraph was created using