The Programming Cafe as Flipped Class Room
The idea is to view the "Programming Cafe" under the lens of a flipped class room model.
The key point is that in-class lectures are spent on programming together whereas video lectures are watched at home before the "Programming Cafe".
Intended Learning Outcomes:
- Viden: Forklare opbygning af en klasse.
- Viden: Redegøre for klasser, interfaces, og nedarvning.
- Viden: Redegøre for kontrol strukturer, som f.eks. if, while, for, og for each.
- Viden: Redegøre for “Collections” biblioteket inklusiv rollen af Iterable, Comparable, og Comparator interfaces.
- Viden: Redegøre for lambda udtryk og streams.
- Viden: Redegøre for fejlhåndtering ved brug af exceptions.
- Færdigheder: Implementere klasser, metoder, og constructors.
- Færdigheder: Anvende standard biblioteket til udvikling af programmer.
- Færdigheder: Anvende manuelle og automatiske tests af programmer.
- Færdigheder: Debugge fejlbehæftede programmer.
- Færdigheder: Implementere simple stream pipelines.
- Færdigheder: Implementere programmer med simple brugergrænseflader.
- Kompetencer: Udvikle velstrukturerede programmer.
- Kompetencer: Forklare strukturen af både egne og andres programmer.
- Kompetencer: Redegøre for kørslen af programmer.
Resources | Tasks | Supports | |||
Before-class Activities |
- Text book on Java Programming |
Watch recorded video lectures on Programming ↓ |
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Brightspace forum for fundamental questions about the material. |
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Students posts topics and questions that they would like to revisit during the in-class activities. ↓ |
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Brightspace Survey |
In-class Actitivites: "The Programming Cafe" |
Quick references: E.g. Java API Documentation |
Live Programming with Code Along (typically 45min) ↓ |
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- Live interaction with Instructor |
Quick references: E.g. Java API Documentation |
Solving exercises in small groups building on the code from the Live Programming (typically 45min) ↓ |
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- Feedback from Compiler |
Out-of-class Activities |
- Exercise Sheet |
Weekly Hand-ins |
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- Help from TAs is available. |