Long Distance Supervision for MSc students

Author: Mario Martinez Martinez

Created: 2021-09-20 07:21am

Edited: 2021-09-27 12:23am


This learning design supports the supervision of MSc students that do part of their practical laboratory work at a research institute or industry (host institution) different from Aarhus University. This is relevant for all MSc students at AU-TECH. The learning design also outlines a strategy for writing a shared manuscript (either research paper or review paper) with a MSc student that can be published in a scientific journal. This LDT follows the stream model, leaving room for extensive dialogue between the supervisors and the students.

Intended Learning Outcomes:

  • Understand the principles behind the experiments performed at the foreign intitution
  • Relate the different research concepts so that a novel idea takes central stage of the MSc thesis
  • Write in a correct and scientifically correct manner with the aim of communicating the MSc thesis outcomes in the form of a research or review paper
Resources Tasks Supports

Conceptualization phase

Research papers and books

Preparation for the intial discusion with host and AU supervisors

AU supervisor


Set up an inital discussion via zoom with both host and AU supervisors present

Host and AU supervisors

Experimental phase

Laboratory and chemical suppliers, research papers and books

Perform and redesign experiments based on results

Host supervisors or technical support

OriginPro Software and Microsoft Office

Student plot results and analize data, and prepare a PowerPoint presentation for both supervisors

No support

Writing phase

Microsoft Office, Zoom

Students presents the results of a first block of experiemnts (working package) to the supervisors

Host and AU supervisors

OriginPro, Microsoft Office

Students prepares a first draft of the manuscript

Host supervisors or technical support

Zoom, Microsoft office

AU supervisor reads manuscript and provides feedback using Zoom sharing video tool

No support

Zoom, Microsoft office

Student absorbs feedback from supervisor and improves the manuscript accordingly

Host and AU supervisors

Zoom, Microsoft office, OriginPro

Student finalizes writing and submitt manuscript to journal

Host and AU supervisors

Additional information

Typically, shared manuscript writing in the discipline of Food Science relies on MS word with track changes to provide comments and corrections. This works fine with a student author if combined with meetings where the manuscript is discussed in person. However, my experience with LDS showed that the meta-communication is rather poor. In this regard, using zoom as desktop capturing software can have a have much better educational value as it can teach the student not only which changes to make , but also why they should be made.