Learning presentation skills

Author: jo.philips

Created: 2019-09-19 11:23pm

Edited: 2019-12-04 06:58am

Keywords: STREAM, small classroom teaching


This learning design is for the Biotechnological Project II course, which is part of the 3rd year Bachelor program in Biotechnology at Aarhus University and runs for the first time now in the Fall of 2019.

The main goal of this course is to prepare the students for their Bachelor project in the following semester by 1) introducing the students to the different research groups working at Biological Engineering and by 2) improving the writing and presentation skills of the students.

Practically, the course is organized as follows: the students work in groups to perform two experiments (each 5 weeks), hosted by the different research groups at Biological Engineering. In addition, there are four general sessions to teach and train writing and presentation skills.

The learning design presented here is to train and assess the students on their presentation skills.

Intended Learning Outcomes:

  • Students are capable to present scientific information in a clear and engaging manner
Resources Tasks Supports

Youtube video on creating effective slides and presentation skills

Students watch the video

Students take notes on the key messages of the video

At home, in preparation of face-to-face session 3

In class discussion of the video

Teacher mediates the discussion

Powerpoint slides

Short lecture on a few aspects of presentation skills not covered by the video

Teacher presents the lecture

Face-to-face session 3

Experimental material generated during the previous parts of the course

Students prepare a presentation on an experiment they performed for the course

At home, in preparation of session 4

Teacher writes summary on the black board

In class discussion of what is a good presentation

Teacher mediates the discussion

Powerpoint slides prepared by the students

Students present their presentation in front of their peers and the teacher

Teacher mediates the presentations

Teacher provides notepad paper
Students can refer to summary on the blackboard

Students write feedback on each others' presentation skills

Teacher mediates feedback session

Face-to-face session 4