Copied: Visiting the Solar System
This fully online course allows students explore the Solar System, collaborating with each other with the aim of producing a travel guide to the Solar System. Students use blogs and online message functions to communicate with each other and the teacher, keep an online diary to record and reflect on their learning. Their study culminates in the design of a multimedia presentation using an online tool.
Intended Learning Outcomes:
- ACSIS090 - Construct and use a range of representations including tables and graphs, to represent and describe observations, patterns and relationships in data using digital technologies.
- ACSSU078 - The Earth is part of a system of planets orbiting around a star (the Sun).
- ACSIS093 - Communicate ideas, explanations and processes in a variety of ways, including multi-modal texts.
- ACELY1702- Navigate and read texts for specific purposes applying appropriate text processing strategies, for example predicting and confirming, monitoring meaning, skimming and scanning.
- ACELY1704 - Plan, draft and publish imaginative, informative and persuasive print and multimodal texts, choosing text structures, language features, images and sound appropriate to purpose and audienc
- ACTDIP022 - Manage the creation and communication of ideas and information including online collaborative projects, applying agreed ethical, social and technical protocols
Resources | Tasks | Supports | |||
Computers. |
Practice navigation through the unit of work's website - including weekly tasks, blogs, Help function and online diary. |
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Teacher modelling. |
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Computers. |
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Focus question introduced. |
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Introductory video clip on Solar System. |
Computers. |
Self-directed learning. Students research SDL. |
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Guiding questions. |
Computers. |
Demonstration of assessment tools. Students experiment with each online presentation tool required for summative assessment. |
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Teacher demonstration. |
Computers. |
Task 1: What is a travel guide? What sort of things does a travel guide have in it? Students research and add thoughts to blogs. Students individually add ideas to online diary. ↓ |
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Group blogs. |
Computers. Online site. Group blogs. |
Task 2: The Solar System. Students research, share and discuss information and add notes to online diary. Students add words to word wall. ↓ |
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Group blogs. |
Computers. Online site. Embedded table. |
Task 3: The planets in our solar system. |
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Group blogs. |
Computers. Online site. Group blogs. |
Task 4: Investigating stars. Students research, share and discuss information and add notes to online diary. Students add words to word wall. ↓ |
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Group blogs. |
Computers. Online site. Group blogs. |
Task 5: Is there anything else out there? Students research, share and discuss information and add notes to online diary. Students add words to word wall. |
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Group blogs. |
Computers. Online site. Group blogs. |
Task 6: Spacejunk. What is it and what are they used for? Students research, share and discuss information and add notes to online diary. Students add words to word wall. ↓ |
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Group blogs. |
Computers. Online site. Group blogs. Online links for the presentation tools and how to create with them. |
Students finalise their research. |
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Group blogs. |
Computers. Online site.Online links for the presentation tools. |
Students complete presentation and save. ↓ |
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Group blogs. |
Computers. Online site. Link to online self-assessment document. |
Students complete online self-assessment and reflect on the learning experience. |
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Class discussion. |
Online presentation. |
Students present their presentation to the class. ↓ |
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Teacher scaffolding. |
Course evaluation questionaire. |
Student assessment of course. Students complete questionaire. |
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Teacher scaffolding. |
Additional information
Assessment: Interactions on group blogs, in class discussion and open questioning by teacher, online teacher help function and student's online diaries, final presentation. Self-assessment and course assessment questionnaires.
Students can use any device with internet enabled - e.g. computer, ipad.
Secure site for students of the school only. This unit of work only available to Year 5/6 students. First names only appear.