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Stage 3 Unit of Work: Collaborative Creations in Computer Coding
This design experience enables students to work collaboratively in a constructionism-based problem-solving learning environment. Students will be using a visual programming environment to develop skills in problem solving, critical thinking, computational thinking and algorithmic thinking.
Intended Learning Outcomes:
- to develop computational thinking skills
- to develop problem solving skills
- to develop algorithmic thinking skills
- to develop critical thinking skills
- understanding of the commands and processes involved in solving problems in a visual programming environment
- understanding of the commands and processes involved in creating a design in a visual programming environment
- communication and decision making skills in a collaborative partnership
New learning design
This design experience enables students to work collaboratively in a constructionism-based problem-solving learning environment. Students will be using a visual programming environment to develop skills in problem solving, critical thinking, computational thinking and algorithmic thinking.
Intended Learning Outcomes:
- to develop computational thinking skills
- to develop problem solving skills
- to develop algorithmic thinking skills
- to develop critical thinking skills
- understanding of the commands and processes involved in solving problems in a visual programming environment
- understanding of the commands and processes involved in creating a design in a visual programming environment
- communication and decision making skills in a collaborative partnership
Copied: Exercise Professional Design
Pre-access course for Certificate IV in Fitness
Units of Competencies required:
HLTAID003 Provide first aid - core
SISXCCS001 Provide quality service - elective
SISFFIT001 Provide health screening and fitness orientation - core
SISFFIT004 Incorporate anatomy and physiology principles into fitness programming - core
SISFFIT003 Instruct fitness programs - core
SISFFIT006 Conduct fitness appraisals - core
SISFFIT002 Recognize and apply exercise considerations for specific populations - elective
SISFFIT005 Provide healthy eating information - core
SISFFIT014 Instruct exercise to older clients - coreIntended Learning Outcomes:
- To acquire the pre-requisite skills and knowledge required to access SIS40215 Certificate IV in Fitness
- To gain a vocational qualification in Fitness and seek employment as a Personal Trainer in the Fitness Industry
Disco Dance
This learning design enables students to explore and choreograph freestyle and disco themed dances with correct timing and technique, using a variety of different movements. In groups students will be engaged in choreographing their own short dance sequences using the principles of dance and basic dance movements. Throughout the design students will use the online learning platform schoology, along with digital video recording devices to analyse and evaluate their own performance, so that they are able to adapt and refine skills and compositional ideas effectively to resolve choreographical problems in creative ways. To conclude students will be involved in individual self assessment and reflection of their learning. This design is underpinned by the concepts of cooperative and experiential learning, in this learning is student directed and engaging.
Intended Learning Outcomes:
- Discuss and explore different dance formations using the 6 principles of dance
- Analyse their own & others performances, identifying strengths & weaknesses; compare & contrast similarities & differences
- Make decisions/suggestions about what to do to improve their performance & the performance of others
- Implement practices/changes to improve their performance
- Create different dance movement formations within specific dance themes (disco)
- Use the principles of dance to help create movement that expresses ideas, feeling, concepts or emotions to an audience
- Collaboration, decision making and reflective skills
Copied: Copied: Case Based Learning
This design helps students to develop knowledge and skills relevant to their future professional practice. They begin by analysing relevant cases and then apply what they have learned to solving an industry-based problem. At the end of the project they reflect on their experiences. The design as described is implemented in a face-to-face setting with online support.
This sequence of tasks aims to help students link theory to practice in two ways. One is by analysing cases relevant to the knowledge and skills to be developed. Cases provide detailed descriptions of realistic situations, dilemmas and their outcomes. By analysing a known problem and its solution, students come to appreciate the complexity of real-life situations and derive conclusions that they can take into their own future practice. In this design the cases should be chosen to be relevant to the later project task, so that analysis of the cases provide students with useful insights into real world practice. The purpose of the project is to enable students to begin to put their ideas into practice, bring together component skills already learned and deal with complex situations. This is based on the premise that learners develop their skills and knowledge through engagement with realistic (or authentic) problems. The final tasks provide students with an opportunity to look back on their experiences and extract lessons for the future.
Intended Learning Outcomes:
- to develop specific knowledge and skills related to the project
- to develop understanding of how theory relates to practice
- to develop skills in case analysis and reflection
- to develop teamwork and project skills
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