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Learn assembly (machine) language and compilation to assembly — updated
This learning design pertains to a portion of the course "compilation" that I am co-teaching this semester. As part of this course students have to learn the assembly language (the machine language — it is essentially a human-readable version of the binary code that the machine executes). This activity is centered around the lecture. The students familiarize themselves with the topic before coming to the lecture. During the lecture the students are presented with the theory and the practical aspects of generating assembly code from higher-level code. The students also the tool x64emu which they can use better understand x86-64. After the lecture, students will implement the code-generation phase of the their course project. Students can use x64emu for testing the code generated by their compiler.
As part of the lecture, the instructor poses questions to get students to think about different aspects of the problem. Students are encouraged think together with their peers. They will submit their answers online, e.g., on Mentimeter, or an image sharing platforms (in some cases, students have to produce code for a short code snippet (one line of code) which they will have to take a picture of and upload to share with the class).
The course's Birghtspace page plays a crucial role in this design. The students will find the material there, they will be able to participate in discussions with their peers, the TAs, and the instructor.
This learning design follows STREAM model. The Birghtspace discussions that students have with their peers, TAs, and the instructor informs the instructor as to what exactly to focus on during the lecture — this is why lecture slides are only made available to students shortly before the lecture starts as the instructor tries to adjust them to students' needs. Moreover, the discussions the students have regarding their project, and the progress they make on it gives feedbacks to the instructor on how to adapt the up-coming lectures.
Intended Learning Outcomes:
- Students will be able to describe and analyze the structure of programs in Intel X86-64 assembly
- Students will be obtain the skill to write programs in Intel X86-64 assembly
- Students will be able to identify and describe the process of generating assembly code from the high-level code
- Students will be able to implement the code generation phase of a realistic compiler
Agromicrobioly 2021- Introduction to Viruses - TØ
The learning path on “Introduction to Viruses” aims at introducing basic principles and fundamental concepts of viruses, starting with the structure and properties of a virus particle, approaches to classify viruses, their genetic material, and the viral life cycle. Students will gain knowledge on the evolutional potential of viruses and its impact on livestock production. Moreover, students will be introduced to selected viral families with relevance for livestock production and the diseases they cause.
The learning design developed below aims at engaging students in active learning to acquire knowledge on selected virus families and develop an understanding of their relevance for livestock production.
Intended Learning Outcomes:
- Account for the basic structure of viruses and their classification systems
- Name viruses infecting livestock animals and relate viral properties to their ability to infect livestock animals and their disease severity in a production setting
- Explain the relationship between mutations and the evolutionary potential of viruses in the context of emerging livestock diseases
Generation and evaluation of design variants
Introduction to Electrophysiological Measurements
This Module is part of the Neuroscience Course for 3rd Semester Medicine Bachelor students. It contains 3 activities that span over 3 different days, and follows a STREAM approach containing a blended model of out-of-class and in-class activities.
The Module intends to cover basic aspects of the electrophysiological technique used to measure electrical field potentials, a technique that is broadly used in Medicine (both in the clinical practice and in research). Students will get an introduction to basic general concepts (supported with a Lecture and literature), a proposed set of questions that will be solved in small groups (Group Work) and corrected in a Small Class seminar afterwards, and finally a small Hands-on activity to bring the learned concepts to life and observe a real measurement of muscle electrical activity.
Intended Learning Outcomes:
- Understand the fundamentals of measuring the electrical properties of physiological substrates.
- Implement the learned concepts into a small practical activity to measure muscle contraction.
- Discuss the translational aspect of electrophysiology.
Elastica theory in engineering
The purpose of this learning design is to introduce the elastica theory for the modeling of the nonlinear deformations of thin beams. This is done via in-class and out-of-class activities, where students can learn the theory, implement it in a numerical code, and test their results against experimental and FEM results. The teacher gives two tutorials on how to solve the elastica equation numerically and how to perform experiments and FEM simulations. Each student runs their own experiments/simulations and prepare a report that will be presented in class.
Intended Learning Outcomes:
- Create a numerical code that solves the elastica equation
- Perform simulations and experiments on the cantilever problem
- Compare the results obtained via different methods and analyze the results
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