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Online Personalised Learning
A very short (1-week) course on online personalised learning aimed at tertiary-level students of education. The design of the course models the principles being taught.
In the second half of the course students choose from a variety of tasks and the means of completing the task (e.g. by means of collaboration with other students or individual work). Total 3 hours of student work required for completion.
The course is delivered through a course page on the institution's content management system (Moodle was used by the author).Intended Learning Outcomes:
- Define online personalised learning
- Understand the key principles of online personalised learning
- Apply one or more of the principles of online personalised learning to a topic of professional or analytical relevance
Retrospective Meeting
BA-group retrospective meetings are introduced by the supervisor, and held with a bi-weekly or monthly frequency. The retrospective meeting will take about 15 minutes.
The retrospective meeting is a know concept from the SCRUM software process. Here it is meant as a mean for continuously changing and improving the way a staff of software engineers work in smaller teams.
Similar the process of construction systems and producing bachelor reports can be improved by leveraging on the same formal method. For the retrospective part, a series of per-circulated questions are to be discussed (from spørgeciklen), all dealing with how the students are coping with the process.
Intended Learning Outcomes:
- This experiment is focused at one particular Learning Outcome (LO) from the BA-project: "Plan and execute a project in a project group in collaboration with internal and external partner"
- The primary LO of this experiment will be, that the students will be in a better position to fulfill the BA-learning objectives.
- A secondary LO will be feedback from both student/student and supervisor/student about the progression and potential problems in the project.
Feedback loop and continuous assessment - poster - PhD course
During the PhD course Science teaching at Aarhus University, Denmark the PhD students develop a new teaching activity for a course where they functioning as teaching assistants.
The purpose of the tasks included in the development of the teaching activity is to showcase different teaching methods to the students e.g. use of exemplars, peer assessment with assessment criteria and feedback loops.
The PhD students start by reading poster examples of teaching activities developed by previous students. These examples (also called exemplars) provide inspiration for the development of teaching activities in their own course. In addition they assess the exemplars with the same assessment criteria that they will use later in the course when giving peer feedback to their peers.
The exemplars also inspire the development of a group teaching activity that will be enacted during class.
The development of the teaching activity is an out-of-class activity between course day 2 and 3 where the students receive feed-forward from the educator on their initial ideas. After the development and implementation of the teaching activity the PhD students make a draft poster describing the teaching activity. All students provide and receive peer feedback according to the assessment criteria and hereafter upload a revised poster that will be assessed by the educator.
Intended Learning Outcomes:
- Plan and implement teaching activities to support student learning according to learning outcomes
- Use effective feedback to assess and support student learning
The STREAM Model
The STREAM model is a flexible learning design model developed in the context of Science and Technology, Aarhus University for designing blended and online learning. The model is based on pedagogic principles derived from flipped classroom, just-in-time teaching, peer instruction, and active learning.
The design would typically represent a week or other similar teaching unit.
Las plantas
Se trata de una propuesta formativa en modalidad blended-learning que pretende dar a conocer el reino de las plantas a los alumnos de 4º de Primaria del CEIP Sierra Nevada de Granada integrando las TIC como sistema vehicular de aprendizaje.
Los principales pilares metodológicos que sustentan esta propuesta son:
-Papel del docente como guía de todo el proceso educativo.
-Otorgar al discente un papel activo dentro de un contexto conexionado con la realidad.
-Facilitar la información, haciendo del proceso algo motivador para el alumnado.
-Mantener la comunicación tanto presencial como no presencial mediante diversos canales de comunicación.
Intended Learning Outcomes:
- Conocer el reino de las plantas atendiendo a su clasificación, partes, nutrición y reproducción.
- Establecer dinámicas de equipo que ayuden a solventar las actividades propuestas.
- Determinar estrategias de búsqueda de información de forma individual.
- Manejar las TIC de forma integrada al contenido curricular mencionado.
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